A Service That Helps Seniors Transition Houses or Living Situations
This is a different type of blog post, one that has nothing to do with the markets, but one that I think some of my clients might find very useful.
I know one of the owners of this company, Andrew: https://guidingthemove.com/
Andrew did not ask me to promote his business- I told him I would advocate for them in a blog post, because the services they offer are so necessary to many of my clients or potentially their parents (I have no financial or business interest in Andrew’s company).
They help seniors transition houses or living situations. This includes, but is not limited to: decluttering, cleaning, boxing, moving, donating, staging, renovations, and then the actual buying and selling of the home or homes. This can include moving to a senior living facility, assisted living facility, or even a nursing home. They will handle these items for the living senior widow or couple, or of course help the family after a loved one passes.
I can think of several of my clients in the throes of these issues even as I write this. While I am sure they have competitors, I do not know of another local central-CT company focused on these services, and yet they are so very needed. Please contact Andrew and his team directly if you think they can be of service to you or your family. They can be reached at 860-385-8728.